Industry Matters - Powered by VGM

A Review of 'Lists' and What you Need to Know About Codes for Reimbursement

VGM & Associates

In this episode of Industry Matters, Senior Director of Payer Relations for VGM Government, Ronda Buhrmester, and Dan Fedor, Director of Reimbursement and Education for U.S. Rehab, talk about lists - the master list, prior authorization, face to face, and written order prior to delivery. They cover the differences between the lists, recent changes with codes being added and removed from lists, the timing of additional changes, and what all of these updates mean for your business. 

Standard Documentation Requirement Policy

MLN SE 20007

Whaaaaat - CMS Announces the Codes on the Master List, Required List, and Those
March 24, 2022
1:00 PM Central